Saturday 10 April 2010

I don't normally single out comments...

... but this one from Polly Toynbee's excellent rebuttal of Call Me Dave's Guardian comment piece is so stupid in a 'clearly this person has some intelligence' kinda way.

Unlike a lot of BBC Have Your Say comments, it is properly punctuated and readable, but still monumentally wrong in almost every way

Taking it from the beginning...

So not such bad chaps really. If only they could get rid of "Dave" and give us someone else. David Davis perhaps. These policies are just sensible. There is no reason to be anything other than skeptical of the climate change case, bankers' pay caps are asinine, regulation is the problem and the 50p top tax rate is just idiotic.

Wow. Where to start? The ludicrous climate change denial, lack of commitment to cutting wages the wages of and taxing the very top earners, on to the most astonishing thing ever... 'regulation is the problem.' I pray you're not talking about the unrestrained financial sector which got us in this mess in the first place. Maybe they're just talking about regulation in general,  something which makes it even stupider.

Continuing the stupidity... Thatcher was a progressive. Right, that makes sense.

I assume that in her rush to get words that press all her readers' buttons - fundamentalist for instance - Ms Toynbee has sacrificed common sense and logical coherence. If it is a return to Conservative roots - and it isn't - then of course it is a change. It is progress, of sorts. Thatcher was a radical and a progressive. Dave is not. Just because you don't like the direction she took the country doesn't mean she did not bring about real change.

Progress does not mean going backwards you utter tool! 'Just because you don't like the direction she took the country .' You mean backwards right? 'doesn't mean she did not bring about real change.' Change in a backwards direction is regression you rhetorically challenged buffoon.

The worst thing about all of this is, that this is a typical Tory voter who demonstrates why Cameron's 'caring conservatives' are not the progressives they claim to be. It's enough to make you go and smash your brains out on a wall.

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