Saturday 7 November 2009

What do we want? People to stop taking the piss out of student protest

That means you Tom Harris MP, remember the party whip isn't controlling your blog (or is he?) and the government have no policy of unfair and stereotypical blog posts against students (or do they?)

Quite frankly, this is stereotypical and unfunny and quite what an MP is doing posting it is beyond me. I generally like reading Harris' blog (even though sometimes it is a walking advert for New Labour) but this is an aberration and I hope he'll notice soon.

However this is just part of a general prejudice against student protest, i.e. that they're all a bunch of layabouts who have nothing better to do. In this case protesting against drug policy the implication is that they're all druggies, similar to the idea that anyone who challenges the status quo on immigration is a racist. Student protest however can be a very powerful thing and the party leaders would do well to give it a bit more consideration.

Oh and for the record, the fact I didn't get up until nearly midday today does not make me a layabout. It's the weekend. 

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