Sunday 4 October 2009

Watch Cameron Squirm

I did enjoy today's Andew Marr show, a week on from asking ridiculous questions of Brown, he has asked the right questions of Cameron and got the Tory leader to squirm uncomfortably

After he tied him up in knots over Europe and the proposed Lisbon Treaty Refurendum, the question of economic policy came up and Cameron got himself into a circular argument over how many jobs he would cut in the public sector, he seemed to propose cutting public sector jobs, to reduce the deficit, improve the economy and create more jobs. In the meantime, all these people would need unemployment benefit, so Marr asked: Have you factored in the cost of unemployment benefit for all the people you will put out of work? It seemed he hadn't and it seems he doesn't care one jot about the human cost.

Later on Marr pulled out a quote from 2006, relating to the financial crisis. Cameron had revelled in criticising Brown for deregulating the banks and the part this played in the financial crisis. I always found this funny, coming from a conservative leader, and this quotes shows that in the years before he had been calling for even less regulation.

"Too often regulation is the first resort. The message from the city is that they should have less regulation and that the centre right should stand aside and let business get on with it"

"Government claims that all this regulation is necessary, they seem to believe that without it the banks could steal our money"

 To end, a  quote from the show that sums up Cameron's approach to politics

"What did you hear last week in terms of specifics about deficit reduction, nothing, from us you will hear specific points, I'm not going to go into them today, because I belive George Osbourne is the right person to set them out" 

Startling hypocrisy.

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